There are lots of websites and books that want to get you started with GNU/Linux (When I say GNU/Linux, I mean the command line interface of course). I tried these books and none of them worked. Until, I came across the masterpiece by William E. Shotts, Jr. The book is called The Linux Command Line . If all you know about GNU/Linux is the name itself, you're ready to start reading the book. The book starts with the very basics and gradually moves on to the advanced chapters. You'll never feel bored or intimidated while reading the book. It feels like that the author is sitting next to you and guiding you. Best part? The book is available free of cost. The book is also available in printed form by No Scratch Press. I bought the book 1 month ago and it's been an awesome experience. Go download ebook and start learning... because, just like Mr. Shotts wrote in his book, "If you think you're a “power user” now, just wait. You don't know what real power is — yet....